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Upcoming retreat calendar

2024 Retreats
21st-24th March, 2024:
Sold Out
23rd-26th May, 2024:
Sold Out
19th-22nd June, 2024:
Sold Out
18th-21st July, 2024:
Only one place left!
5th-8th September, 2024:
Only 1 place left!
12th-15th October, 2024:
Only 1 place left!
2025 Retreats
17th-20th Febuary, 2025:
20th-23rd March, 2025:
18th-21st June, 2025:
21st-25th July, 2025:
12th-15th September, 2025:
23rd-26th October, 2025:
20th-23rd November, 2025:
If you would like to be added to a cancellation list for any of our retreats then please contact us via our contact page.
Please join our mailing list (link at the bottom of this page) to be kept up to date with all new retreats.

What is a retreat?

To retreat is a journey where you take time away from your busy life and work to reconnect with all the processes and practices that help to keep you in balance. It's about making an intentional commitment to slowing down and allowing your body & mind to be nurtured in a supportive environment, so that you can focus on learning new skills and knowledge through coaching, compassion and community.

A Whole Hearted Medicine retreat is about more than just a few days of self care though.

It's about

  • Supporting you to take some time to reflect on how you can best keep yourself happy, healthy and balanced in this very demanding profession.
  • Helping you to rekindle the passion for medicine that is sometimes easily forgotten in its busyness.
  • Supporting you with the tools of mindfulness, self compassion and self care to use in your own life.
  • Guiding you in the important practice of compassionate self reflection, a skill that is deeply embedded into the AHPRA framework for Continuing Professional Development for doctors.
  • Opening safe spaces for vulnerable and authentic connection amongst your colleagues, away from the pressures of your workplace.
  • Ensuring you are acknowledged for the importance of this work by attaining you CPD points to recognise the value and relevance of mindful self care and self awareness in your continued role as a doctor.

Immersive and wholehearted, it's like nothing you've ever experienced in medical education before.


"I feel committed to live more mindfully after the retreat and can really see the benefits that mindful meditation have on my sense of well-being."


"I'm more comfortable at meditation after the retreat, and more than I would have given myself credit for before. It is finally starting to feel familiar."


"Pretty game changing experience. The exercise on core values has totally changed my understanding of myself and how I relate to others."


"I found the retreat absolutely fantastic. Finally, a conference that focuses on self care, realised burn out, specifically in the medical field. I felt heard, I felt sharing my experiences helped, and I felt I was given real tools and techniques to help in the future. Thank you for the safe space to reflect, and grow."


"I somehow forgot that I used to have perspective to be able to rise above the thunderclouds and observe calmly and fully present. I have been committed to practising this with compassion since the retreat. It occurred to me (almost 20 years since first learning it) that “primum non nocere” actually means ME!"


"The retreat strengthened my approach in specifically discussing/demonstrating the ‘soft’ skills with the staff I supervise and the positive impacts this can have for the next generation. Vulnerability doesn’t have to be weak- it can be brave and I can lean into it."


"I am lost for words. All I can really say is that the retreat has been life changing."


"It feels like I have clarity and focus again and I honestly don't believe that would be possible had I not spent the time with you that I did."


"It was reassuring to hear from a diverse group of people all who have similar feelings/experiences, it reinforces that it’s not just me feeling like this."


"It was really striking to see senior and experienced clinicians have exactly the same feelings about themselves, their performance, their challenges etc. It really made me realise all of that for me is just part of the human condition rather than because I'm not good enough! Taking a moment to remind myself of that and be kind to myself has been the biggest takeaway."


"I have a calmer, more positive outlook. I can see that mindfulness practice will have a positive impact on my emotional regulation, specifically frustration (less quick to rise) & patience (a little more) and am trying to incorporate it into my day regularly."


"One of the most powerful things for me was recognising that being empathic to patients and staff has an impact on me, which requires time to recover and renew. I am also more aware of how I'm feeling and why."


Frequently Asked Questions

Which retreat should I choose?
While the structure and educational content of the retreats is very similar, the overall feel and experience is quite different between each venue, each group and each session. To give you an idea of some of the most noteable differences between each retreat we have provided some information on each venue and an idea of what to expect from the different places and timings on each specific retreat page. 

However, here are some helpful suggestions from our previous retreat attendees to also help guide your decision making:
Consider the weather and location eg. are you hoping to escape the cold weather in the southern states and NZ in winter? If so, perhaps the June retreat in the Daintree or July in Bali is a beautiful option.
What group size will you find most welcoming and comfortable? Our groups in the Daintree are a bit larger (from 18-22) which presents a beautiful diversity of conversations and insights. Or would you prefer the intimacy of a smaller group at a venue like SOMA?
All our beautiful venues prioritise a connection with nature, so you just need to decide what sort of environment you feel most comfortable in? The beautiful microclimate of the sub tropics in the Byron hinterland or the stunning weather of the tropics in the Daintree or Ubud?
You can also consider your dietary requirements. All of our venues include amazing, chef prepared meals however SOMA is a vegetarian venue where alcohol is not allowed. If this influences your decision making, please consider one of our other beautiful retreats.
Are you stepping into or already performing in leadership roles in your workplace? If so, our dedicated Wellness Centred Leadership retreats are designed to support you with actionable tools and ongoing guidance to help you to reach your full potential in these important roles.
How much do the retreats cost?
The price varies depending on retreat destination and room type selected. You will find more information within each retreat option.
Some retreats have the option for a payment plan, please get in touch with us if you would like to use this option.
Can I attend with my medical spouse?
Yes, you most certainly can attend with your medical spouse. Simply choose the 'twin share' option for each of you and please get in touch with us to let us know how you would like your room bedding configured.
Can I bring my children or family with me?
Due to the immersive nature of the retreat, it is not suitable to bring your children or family along with you. Our goal is to envelop you with not only the educational component but also the caring. We eat meals together as a group, have mindful activities and engage in deep, authentic conversations outside of the educational time. You deserve a break from your busy home life and job, this retreat is it.

These retreats are also only for registered doctors.
Can I use my CME allowance for this retreat?
Many doctors have attended our retreats using their hospital CME allowance. If you need any documentation to support your CME claim please get in touch.
Is this retreat tax deductible?
This is something you would need to discuss with your financial advisor or accountant. When talking to them, you can let them know that Whole Hearted Medicine retreats attract Continuing Professional Development points with many major speciality colleges and have been accessed via CME allowance due to their relevance to continuing work as a doctor.
What are your booking and cancellation terms?
You will find more detail about each retreat on each of the information pages and the general booking and cancellation terms can be found here.